Welcome to our Special 1964 Web Section
This section contains articles submitted by classmates of 1964
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今晚(Dec 28)又係我哋多倫多64班同學 兩個月一次的餐聚. 除了兩位女仕喺香港唔來得, 其他全部都參加.唔信咩! 請睇以下相片,
請估以上好似嗰波碟餸是甚麽東東? 估中亞Bo請你遊船河 (由天星碼頭開出)
Gregory 於達
YU, Gregory Tat (D.M.D.)
January 2, 1947 - December 17, 2017
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dr. Gregory Yu on December 17, 2017 at the age of 70. He is survived by his beloved wife Melanie, his son Jeffery, daughter Andrea, son-in-law Graham. Born in Hong Kong, Gregory immigrated to Vancouver in 1966. He graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at U.B.C. in 1972.
Both Joe Pao鮑大雄 & William Ng 吳偉泉 visited Hong Kong at the same time in November and Chairman Eddie Lau treated them with other classmates to a Shanghai restaurant (泰豐屢) on Saturday (Nov. 11). William, Joe, Ming, Cecil, Chairman and Dennis got together with their better halves. They had a rowdy fun time according to Dennis who submitted the photos below.
Taking advantage of Joe Pao, William Ng and Chow Ping Hon's visit to HK, a mini reunion was held on November 12 (Sunday) in Kowloon Tsai Home Owners Association. All together, 30 classmates and spouses had joined in this memorable fun night. Thanks to Jeffrey, here are some pictures taken,
Raymond 戴錦池夫婦到訪, 我哋多倫多64班同學又有一餐食啦!
今次由Frederick 鄒秉漢主持, 在八月三十一号, 在孟嘗閣攪了"一直走". 當晚我哋開懷暢飲, 大聲講, 大聲笑, 極之開心.
以下相片是由笨人就快要掉嘅手機所拍, 視覺有問題, 不是你老花所致.
"當然有啦! 有女出嫁喎"
八月五号, 亞寶(Raymond吳寶鑑)嫁女, 我哋多倫多六四班"食客" 當然會擁躍參加婚禮. 以下相片是由"笨人" 手機影的. 至於official 嘅相片, 便要由亞寶提供啦.
By Philip Lee
Why Tibet and who joined?
Tibet has always been on top of my list of places where I want to travel in China because of its remoteness and its religious mysticism. My wife Magdalen, however, does not share the same yearnings towards Tibet because she was worried about our age and the likelihood of altitude sickness. So when the news that Jeffrey and Ming were actively recruiting classmates for a Tibet trip reached us early this year, I knew the opportunity had arrived. I registered my interest for the trip.
The September 2016 WYK64 Reunion had laid the groundwork for the Tibet trip as Magdalen got on well with Ming's wife, Helena, who shared her passion for ballroom dancing and we had agreed to meet up in Sydney after the reunion. In the meantime, Jeffrey and Ming sent out an invitation to all alumni to join them in their proposed Tibet trip in June. We were in Shanghai at the time so we expressed interest to join. When we got back I arranged to meet with Ming and Helena in Sydney mid-February over lunch to discuss the trip. Ming told us that a number of classmates had considered the possibility of high altitude sickness and conditions of their health and had declined to join so we ended up with just Ming, Helena, Magdalen and I.
Departure from Guangzhou
Magdalen and I flew to Guangzhou from Sydney and stayed in Ming and Helena's spacious apartment overlooking the Pearl River and spent 2 hot summer days shopping in Guangzhou's famous walking street, Beijing Road, and visiting Sun Yat-sen Memorial. Ming treated us for lunch and demonstrated his tea-tasting skills 茶艺 with a fine selection of Guangzhou's delicious Dimsim varieties. He also showcased Cantonese food such as low-fired soup 老火汤, soya sause Goose, steamed Waan Fish. On the night before the trip we had a change of palate in a binge of Shanghaiese steamed buns, spiced jiaozi and pork with water duck soup. Ming and Helena were perfect hosts.