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Anthony 潘漢雄 對 Henry 胡國亨 '一年一度一良宵' 首詩有以下評價,
" 謝謝 Henry大作,情深詞雅,性情中人也!我也來應景,附庸風雅,隨意拍攝並題詩,續貂之作,難入法眼!"
林中鵲鳥向天歌, |
七绝 押歌韻 |
Palm Spring, California
We had a wonderful 20 day road trip with Gary and Lola after they picked us up from our hotel in L.A. We stopped at Palm Spring for a couple of nights and drove through Joshua Tree National Park and the Mojave Desert across to Arizona. Truthful to its name, Palm Spring is an oasis full of palms made famous by Hollywood film stars somewhere in the middle of the Mojave Desert in California. The Park is punctuated with outcrops of rocks and spare vegetation such as the Joshua Tree and the Teddy-bear cholla. Palm trees are seen wherever there is an oasis and human habitation. We stayed in Palm Spring for 2 days with daily excursions into the desert where we did trail hiking.
London Bridge and Lake Havasu, Arizona
Continuing on the desert road and crossing the Californian border into Arizona, out of nowhere came a town called London Bridge. Spanned across the banks of a section of Lake Havasu it was re-assembled from bricks transported all the way from London! To make the surroundings more English, there is a fountain flanked by English Lions and even an old English red phone box nearby. We walked across the Bridge and wondered how pioneers could think of this idea to liven up the town. There is a ferry which takes people across Lake Havasu to California and the ticket only costs $2. Little wonder that the destination is a casino. We didn't have lunch there because at my request I asked for the opportunity to try out the hamburger jaunt, In and Out. I was not disappointed as it tasted quite different to MacDonald’s and much more substantial.
七律詩《自遣懷》 ---- 胡國亨
其一 其二
思海年來比酒濃,前程無跡任西東。 手揮羽扇算年華,短夢雖怱記不差。
隨緣漸覺人情厚,悟道真疑世事空。 曾到蟾宮攀桂子,也臨溝壑泣殘花!
可幸有詩酬舊志,更慚無力續前功。 生無興致誇豪客,猶有文章勝大家。
千岩月色歸誰管?誰個心魂共我同。 廿載滄桑塵世事,何如銀海泛雲槎?
其三 其四
風雲際會可先期?造化無腸萬古悲。 東山久臥已多時,楚霧秦煙五內悲。
孔聖在陳難有夢,屈平投水豈先知? 樹似有情含黛色,山能何力弄餘暉?
蘇秦衣錦還鄉日,吕尚垂鉤遇主時。 賈生獻策終何用?阮士哭途痛可知!
閒坐細推家國事,天涯極目怠愁思。 最惜孤高天上月,潮生潮落漫徘徊。
其五 其六
黃金台上千秋夢,雁塔英雄幾代聞? 緣生緣滅了無期,花謝水流各自悲。
運到天人同協力,時乖霜雪競相侵。 李白空嗟岐路苦,淵明真悟昨天非?
三生慧業恁誰識?萬斛高才只自珍。 梅村怨吐名難改,宋主魂傷夢不歸。
我本孤人原過客,妄求天地入吾魂。 一曲廣陵人散去,昆池恐剩劫灰飛!
其七 其八
瞿曇不必懺前塵,彼岸由來鎖雾雲。 升沉不用感徬徨,身后生前兩渺茫。
列寇風來猶可御,葛洪丹熟己長昏。 窮達難移真本色,榮衰不外臭皮囊!
准南雞犬終成道?禪海慈航幻似真。 非關絕學無人繼,猶有痴人為道忙。
天上神仙能有幾?逍遙原屬世間人! 讀破詩書千萬卷,旁人莫訝我行藏。