Class 1961
Articles and News of Class 1961
Shen Chi Hung entertained Mr. Ho and Wong Hin-Shing to a delicious dim-sum lunch on Sunday, June 19, 2016. Enjoying his retiredment and good health, he may schedule to attend the November reunion in HK.
Albert Lam, Freddy Fong, Alex Mak, Clement Lee, Nicky Cheung, Martin Lee, Ho Ping Kwong, Ronald Lew, Francis Kung, Tse Tak Fu, Kenneth Loo, and Richard Li were at the dinner to prepare for the upcoming reunion in Novermber.
Here is the transcript of the letter written by Fr Mallin who celebrated his 102 Birthday Party this year.
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Tonight the 15 of us (see names below) are very happy to host a dinner in honor of Andrew Cheung Po Kay and Kenneth Ma Kai Fai. We had a lot of pleasant chats and consumed I don’t know how many bottles of red wine and whisky by kind courtesy of Albert lam (am I right, as I didn’t drink?). It was a wonderful evening.
It is worth mentioning that John Chan Doming, altho a vegetarian, joined us for a non-vegetarian dinner. Quite a sacrifice on his part (He paid the same amount!). Also Dr Tse Tak Fu cut short his hospital calls and joined the dinner on time. A great show up.
We took some photos and made a video for Mr Ho to wish him a speedy recovery.
Gilbert writes,"Stephen Lam of Toronto was in Vancouver. On Sept 27, 2015, we celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival delicious cuisines with him at Shoom Restaurant 雅菀食府.
Augustine & Martina brought moon cakes for this special occasion for all to enjoy."
"Rendezvous with Harry in London, chat and roam the city for 6 1/2 hrs despite his busy schedule.
Will send more pictures after returning home." ~ Gilbert.
York Chen was in town and joined the dinner organized by Wong Hin-Shing on Friday, July 31, to celebrate the upcoming 80th birthday of Mr. Ho.
For more photos, please click here.
《口占六字句記: 時光美殊(Squamish)、威士拿(Rainbow Lake三日遊》
〔* 2003年12 月曾與友人及各家子女來威士拿滑雪, 當時大兒在日本。〕