Class 1967
再附上尹冠英同學 "養生與保健" ; "回春內壯功"; "百歲老人曹文錫 自我推拿健身術"; "頭面按摩保健法" 的講義與檔案。
The 45th Anniversary Reunion of the Class of 1967 was successfully held from 30th November to 7 December 2012 in Hong Kong. The reunion picture album can be found here.
Tim Kwan (WYK ’67), Chairman and President of Mon Sheong Foundation, is one of the recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals (front row, seated in the middle). This year marks the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada. The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal is a tangible way for Canada to honour Her Majesty for her service to this country. It also serves to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians.
Cheng Wing-Ching (3rd left) is visiting his daughter’s family in Toronto and will be staying in town until August. More photos can be found here.
A dinner was held for the visiting Tang Tong-Bor (Mr & Mrs Tang - standing 1st & 2nd left) and family. He has retired from his post and arrived in Canada as a landed immigrant.
A dinner was held in honour of John Loo (sitting left) who is touring North America and specifically attending the anniversary of the Seattle Chinese Information and Service Center which he founded 40 years ago as a student. More pictures of John Loo in Toronto can be founder here.
An Interview with Eddie H. K. Wong
Eddie H. K. Wong (1961 to 1968) was active in track and field, football and other sports at WYK. He was recently interviewed by Tim Kwan (1961 to 1969) on his track and field experience at WYK.
1. Eddie, which were your events at track and field?
I mostly ran 100, 200 meters and 4 x 100 relay, but also did triple jump at our school’s track meet because we were required to have both track and field in the three events we participated. I guess it was meant to encourage us to try both. the whole story here.