Class 1967
Dear All,
David Tse 謝國璇, a '67 classmate from Australia will be in town. A get together dinner is scheduled for all of us to catch up as follows:
Date: July 3, 2016 Sunday
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: 君臨天下 Emperor Fine Chinese Cuisine, 9019 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill. (905) 882-9388
Price: To be advised (subject to no. of attendance).
Please let me know your attendance as early as possible or by June 27 Monday. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
盧劍雄五十年前在母校校園種了一棵苦楝樹。人的年華老去,當年的小樹苗卻已長成參天大樹,不但見證了盧劍雄生命中的起起落落,亦把祝福延續給後人。Please click here to view.
和啟亮, 焯亨二兄七絕 憶禮和__鍾文漢
Oh yesterday I was standing by the lawn, staring at the flowers
When a spring breeze began to flutter around my cheeks
At that point I remembered Fung Lai Wo
This evening I put together several lines
我是F.1 入華仁的,由中文小學轉到英文中學頭幾個月都是和字典打交道。同學們有不同的背景,有一些給人印象特別深刻的如外號“大聲公”的馮禮和。明顯他的性格不是內斂那種。用今天的術語就是“有事大聲說出來”。在課堂上有時會提出和老師不同或相反的意見。記憶中在何鎮源和劉繼業老師的班上比較多。
Mike Fung Lai-Wo has passed away on November 14, 2015 in Shanghai due to liver cancer. He passed away less than two weeks after the initial diagnosis due to sudden tumour rupture and bleeding. May he rest in peace!
An article on John Loo ('67) appears in January 2, 2016 issue of the 明報周刊. He wants it posted so that we can know him more. Please click any photo to read the whole article.
The tree is on Wylie Road, inside "Wah Yan College Kowloon". You can search Google Map for a satellite shot of the vicinity. Then when you find "Wah Yan College Kowloon"you will be able to see a swimming pool. This tree is near the swimming pool but it grows stretching out of the school. Turn to Google Map street-view now, and you can move along Wylie Road and see that the tree has a singular grandeur, dwarfing all the passers-by or the passing cars.
John is in orange tee shirt in the colour photo. The black and white photo shows John active in the CLC back in school days.
Chins and Chongs (Patrick Chan, Cecil Chan, Richard Chung, Edward Chung) at the Montreal International Jazz Festival, July 1, 2015.
聚散隨緣 by Edward Chung ('67)
記得去年底,與曾亮兄在台灣中壢市相約今年暑假再聚於多倫多。經建夏兄鼎力襄助, 果然得與何鎮源老師及華仁(1967)十多位老同學在六月底暢飲一堂!最難得是與建夏兄是闊別四十七年後重逢,及偉屏,沛齡二兄充當導遊,陪伴焯亨兄與我暢遊加東的渥太華,蒙特利爾與魁北克,特此致上衷心感謝!
Joe Chan ('67), President of Fairchild TV, met with TVB artists in Vancouver yesterday. Please click the photo for more details.
Edward Chung ('67) wrote, "Tsang Leung and I had lunch at HK Dim Sum Restaurant at QSquare Taipei last Friday! We had a good time together. Attached is a photo taken outside the restaurant after lunch!"