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My wife, Margot, and I took a cruise of the western Caribbean on the Carnival Legend in March of 2013. The one-week cruise departed from Tampa, Florida, on a Sunday afternoon, and we were at sea the whole day on Monday. That gave us a chance to locate all the restaurants, lounges and bars on board and to check out the amenities that we might enjoy during the cruise.
Tuesday morning brought us to Cozumel - an island on the east side of the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. The first Catholic mass in Mexico was celebrated by the Spaniards on this island in the early 1500’s. We chose an excursion which took us to several touristy places. The highlight was Discover Mexico Park, where miniature Mexican landmarks are replicated in a tropical garden setting. We also caught a Mayan rain dance performance in which a group of men were revolving upside down in mid air around a very tall pole with their ankles tied to a rope. Afterwards, the tour continued to El Mirador (an expansive stretch of jagged rock formation with a spectacular view of the coastline), and the Hacienda Antiqua (where we learned about the process of making tequila and sampled drinks with various flavorings). The last stop was the public market and shopping district of San Miguel. To my surprise, there are quite a number of high-end stores selling world-wide brand name merchandise. Apparently Cozumel is a very popular destination for cruise ships. On the average, thirty per week dock here during the winter months.
以下是我哋參加多倫多九華春茗相片. David 王曙明 & Ignatius 甘定波都有參加, 睇唔睇'倒'佢哋喺邊度呢!
新年流流, 香港64同學都揾機會, 走埋一齊. 飲下茶, 食下飯, 其樂無窮. 以下是香港同學寄來聚會相片...
以上各人是胡國亨, Joseph Ng (63), 潘漢雄, 麥振芳及陸慶奇
喜事好似潮水般, 一波又一波, 繼續有來. 最近收到賊婆 Dennis 梁世達寄來相片, 知道舊年十月二十号喺香港 Island Shangri-la Hotel 擺酒嫁女. 佢個女 Evelyn 梁已經嫁佐俾 Andrew 陳, 所以 Evelyn 而家唔係"梁家婦女", 是陳家啦
我哋兩個月一次的聚會又在二月卄一号舉行,由雷蒙 Raymond 廖柱文主持. 一如以往, 場面熱鬧
今次雷蒙不特主持夠威, 更帶來一大驚喜, 佢話今次飯局由佢請, 咁又点解呢?
歡迎各位吟詩作對有興趣同學, 在這園地交換心得, 讓其他同學都 可以欣賞. (Some pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them) |
中馬混血女經理,估計她二十五上下,一直忘不了,回港後還做了一個夢,夢境是她變成老闆的女兒,我則去了那工廠當老總,與她一齊把業務推到全世界。既然這個美夢絕不能實現,只好寫首詩啦! |
入冬有感 回首前塵皆落索 風流舊事夢中尋 冬寒醉飲紅霄閣 春暖暢遊紫竹林 夏至荷塘飛鳳蝶 秋深故苑奏虞琴 近來憔悴人驚怪 祇怕難防百病侵 -- 陸慶奇
為慶祝香港 Mini Reunion 潘漢雄替我們作了首詩如下: 二千十二年十一月十八日九龍華仁書院校友(1964中五畢業)在香港小敘 九煉成才歲月遷 龍翔宇內傲新天 華顛將至心猶壯 仁義師言豈放邊 (華顛:白頭年老) 校友潘漢雄敬題
Click here or picture to watch the following video.
The Wah Yan spirit has prevailed and triumphed! The Holy Grail turned out to be Masters 2 Open Standard.
Yes, this is the century for the Chinese and Chinese supremacy reigned tonight with the announcement of a new Masters 2 Open Standard champion couple in 2012, Philip and Magdalen Lee!
The rounds started 10:30 AM with 64 couples from all over Australia and New Zealand competing in this event and the Final was danced at 8:30 PM. It was a tiring day. So when our names were announced as the winning couple, we were over-the-moon to hear that it was us! Even now at 12:30 AM past midnight we relished in this great success and still find it totally unbelievable that we are now the new champions in the international standard style. We are now written into the history book of Australian Dancesport, the first ever Chinese couple to have won Masters 2 Open Standard.
香港同學非常好客, 繼又一村會所晚宴聚會後, 喺十一月卄六号於頂好酒家, 又來多一次午飯聚會, 剛好王蘇來港, 順路同佢洗塵. 今次劉漢銓及劉绍基亦有出席, 劉漢銓更帶了一枝真茅台和大家暢飲, 極之開心. 潘漢雄作了首詩如下, 以作紀念.
龍門擺陣未爭先 美酒茅台舊夢牽 海外香江欣聚首 同窗明日夕陽邊
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