Welcome to WYKAAO
Welcome to WYKAAO
獨在異鄉為異客 每逢佳節倍思親
遙知兄弟登高處 遍插茱萸少一人
江紹倫英譯 http://blog.wykontario.org/?p=429
《王維 九月九日憶山東兄弟》 -- 陳耀南
《醉花陰》 (宋·李清照) (1084-1151)
薄霧濃雲愁永晝 瑞腦消金獸 佳節又重陽 玉枕紗廚 半夜涼初透
東籬把酒黃昏後 有暗香盈袖 莫道不消魂 簾卷西風 人似黃花瘦
Father James Hurley S.J. retires to Ireland on his 88th birthday on October 1.
Father came to WYK as a scholastic in 1954 and was Formmaster of Form 4D. Mr. Vincent Lo Chun Hong, senior mathematics teacher, was in his class. Afte one year, Father left for home to complete his studies as a Jesuit.
Since his return to Hong Kong, he has been living at the Fathers' residence on the top floor of WYK and often partipates in school activities.
Please click Option for the Deprived to read part of his work.
There ia a news item on him. Please click 社運老將余理謙神父榮休返老家.
快樂的下午 (區樂民 2014年09月25日) 蘋果日報 副刊 名采
甚麼才是恆久 (區樂民 2014年09月26日) 蘋果日報 副刊 名采
Wah Yan College Kowloon Alumni Association of Ontario Scholastic Achievement Award is worth at least Cdn$100 each. The Award is open to students whose aggregate total of their best six Grade 12 credits gained in 2013~2014 academic year is 480 or over.
Applicants must be the wards/children/grandchildren of current paid-up members of WYKAAO. The completed application form together with a copy of the applicant’s Ontario Secondary School Transcript should be submitted electronically to WYKAAO's
Successful candidates will be notified and invited to receive their awards at the WYKAAO AGM on Saturday, 25th October 2014. Decision of the Selection Committee is final.
TAKE Notice that the 2014 Annual General Meeting of Wah Yan College Kowloon Alumni Association of Ontario will be held at Emperor Fine Chinese Cuisine (君臨天下), 9019 Bayview Ave, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1Y3 on Saturday, 25th day of October, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. for the following purposes:
Click here to see the complete notice and here for the Attendance/Director Nomination Form.
"1974年9月,我們一起入華仁讀中一。轉眼40年,2014年9月13日,我們又再次在華仁相聚! 今天出席的同學有91人,連老師, 神父, 家眷共160多人! 當中更有18位老師, 同學,遠道由世界不同地方飛回來參加是次聚會,真令人感動。現將當日下午足球友誼賽,校園導賞及晚宴熱鬧盛況,與各位未能出席同學分享,這是小弟一點心意。
[讀點擊圖片觀看部份慶祝盛況及出席的老師; 何永國同學回港參加聚會]
You are invited to the Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition where Andrew Tang (65), secretary of WYKAAO, has some of his works on display. His wife, Catherine, shows 2 pieces of cross-stitch embroidery of Chinese calligraphy. Please click the image for details and photos.
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